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Earl Jenkins is the former owner of the Red Apple, and is a friend of the Olympians. When one of his friends disappeared, the CRU shut down the Red Apple, because he was asking too many questions and trying to find him. A few years later, he saw that someone had broken in to the Red Apple, but when he entered the restaurant, he was startled by Emily Jacobs, and accidentally shot her. She healed herself, and when Paelen, Joel DeSilva and Cupid went to rescue Steve Jacobs, Earl stayed with Emily, but was severely injured when Nirads attacked the Red Apple. He was later healed by Paelen, and stayed on Earth with Agent T, who Cupid had ordered to protect him.

A few months later, Emily and some of her friends came to his house for help, as they were trying to find out if the CRU had created a clone of Pegasus. He helped them find out that there was indeed a clone. After this, he went with his friends to Nevada to stop the CRU at Area 51, however, he was captured by the CRU. He was later freed by Emily and Joel with the help of a Nirad clone.

A few years later, Earl was captured by the CRU along with Frankie, Stella Giannakou and Agent B, to be used as bait so that the CRU could capture Emily and Lorin, and feed them to the Mutant Titans. They eventually managed to escape with the help of Joel, Paelen, Lorin and Vulcan.


At some point, Earl came into ownership of the Red Apple. A few years before he met the Olympians, the CRU moved into the area, and had local workers build them an underground bunker. One of the electricians there was Earl's friend's brother, who got drunk and started telling his friends stories about the CRU bringing Nirads and other strange things to the facility. Soon after, he was taken by the CRU, and when Earl and some of his friends went looking for him, some CRU agents went to them and told them to stop looking. The CRU then had the Red Apple closed as a warning. [1]


Pegasus and the Fight for Olympus[]

Earl was going to the Red Apple when he saw smoke coming out of the it. He thought that vandals had broken into the restaurant, so he went in with a gun to see who was there. He found Emily Jacobs, and she startled him into accidentally shooting her. She healed herself immediately after, and Earl explained what happened. Pegasus kept watch over Earl while Emily rested. When Joel DeSilva, Paelen and Cupid came back to the Red Apple with three CRU agents, Earl told them what had happened with his friend's brother. The CRU agents refused to answer any of the group's questions, and soon started fighting them. Earl was knocked out by Agent T early on in the fight, and when he woke up, the agents were under Cupid's charm.

Soon after this, Paelen, Joel, Cupid and Agent T (now on their side) went to free Steve Jacobs from the CRU facility, leaving the other two agents at the Red Apple with Emily and Earl. Emily offered to let Earl go, but he wanted to stay with her to see them free Steve. After nearly two hours of waiting for Paelen, Joel and Cupid to get back, a team of Nirads attacked the Red Apple, led by Chrysaor. Earl tried to get Emily to leave with him, but she refused to leave Pegasus. Emily's flame was unleashed, and Earl was thrown across the restaurant by a Nirad, just before Emily burned the building down, crushing Earl under the rubble.

Earl was dug out of the rubble of the Red Apple by the CRU, and was taken on a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance. Agent T commandeered the ambulance and met up with Cupid and Paelen away from the CRU. Earl told them what had happened in the restaurant, and that the Nirads had taken Emily and Pegasus. Earl then told them about a hunting cabin where they could stay, before passing out. Earl woke up in the cabin when Paelen gave him ambrosia and nectar to heal him. Cupid then took Agent T aside and used his powers to convince him that Earl was his brother, and that he should take care of him and keep him safe.

Pegasus and the New Olympians[]

After the Olympians left them, Earl and Agent T kept a record of Olympian sightings. After a few months of moving around and hiding from the CRU, the two of them were visited by Emily, Joel, Paelen, Pegasus, Chrysaor (now reformed) and Alexis. They explained to the two of them that they had seen a racehorse called Tornado Warning in the newspaers, and that they suspected that he may be a clone of Pegasus created by the CRU. Earl invited them all to sit down, and the Olympians filled him and Tom in on what had happened since they last saw each other. They ultimately decided that they had to find Tornado Warning and determine whether or not he was a clone. Agent T then showed them the recent Olympian sightings, Diana, Nirad and Paelen sightings, which further proved that the CRU had made clones.

The next morning, they all set off for the Double R Ranch where Tornado Warning was staying. Earl rode on Pegasus with Emily, and was excited about flying the whole time, and kept their morale up. The eight of them stopped at a motel halfway to the ranch to rest for the night, and Earl and Agent T made up a cover story to book a room for two. They then used Pluto's Helmet of Invisibility to sneak everyone into the room one at a time. The next morning, Joel and Paelen decided to go out and steal some money for food. Alexis made Emily angry, however, and she accidentally exploded a lamp. When Paelen and Joel returned, they all set off again.

Halfway there, they all stopped at another motel and rested for the night. The next morning, they flew to the Double R Ranch, but when they got there, Pegasus and Tornado Warning started fighting, with it eventually culminating in Pegasus killing Tornado. Emily managed to heal him, however, and he was brought back to life. Tom then interrogated Rip Russell, the owner of Tornado Warning, and they learned that his cousin was a CRU agent, and he had smuggled Tornado out of Area 51 when he was a foal, and had given him to Rip to raise. When they heard this, Alexis wanted to return to Olympus and tell Jupiter what had happened, but Emily refused to leave Earth, as she knew that Jupiter would destroy the planet if he found out that the CRU had made Olympian clones. Alexis eventually relented, and agreed to help them stop the CRU. Earl and Agent T then attached a horse carriage to a pickup truck, so that they didn't have to fly to Area 51. A few minutes later, the two of them came running back into the ranch, and found that Alexis had attacked and viciously killed the men who had tried to harm Emily, including Rip. Earl felt slightly sick after seeing what Alexis had done, but he was fine in a few minutes.

The group locked Tornado Warning in a section of their trailer and kept him tranquilised. They then started to make their way to Area 51, stopping in Las Vegas briefly to get food. They eventually arrived in Rachel, Nevada and stopped to eat at the local restaurant, Little A'Le'Inn. When they were finished, they went back to the trailer, where a CRU agent disguised as a motel worker came up to them and asked if everything was alright. He was soon called back to the motel. After this, Agent T asked Emily what had happened with her powers back at the Double R Ranch, as she had accidentally thrown two workers across the room. Emily was left with no choice but to tell them about her newfound powers, and that she had no control over them. They all agreed to help keep her calm until she learned to control them.

The next morning, a badly injured Alexis entered the trailer, and told them that Agent T had been killed by the CRU (in truth, however, he was just very severely injured). Earl then exited the trailer to drive them away, but he was stopped by some CRU agents, and they disabled their vehicle. Emily then burned down the trailer door and they all flew out. Earl was then taken to Area 51.

Earl was broken out of his cell by a Nirad clone called B-15, who, along with all of the other Nirad clones, had been told about the situation by the recently captured Prince Tobin, who could communicate with his species telepathically. Earl was reunited with Emily and Joel on the surface, and witnessed Emily challenge Jupiter when he was going to destroy Earth. He eventually decided not to destroy Earth, however. When all of the clones had been freed and Emily had destroyed Area 51, Jupiter told Earl that he could go to Olympus for a visit, but he asked him to return to Earth afterwards, to keep an eye on the planet on behalf of the Olympians. Earl asked Frankie if he wanted to join him, and he happily agreed.

Pegasus and the End of Olympus[]

Earl was captured by the CRU with the help of the Mutant Titans. Also captured were Frankie, Stella Giannakou and Agent B. Sometime after they were captured, Emily, Pegasus, Cupid and Arious Minor came to rescue them, but were also captured by the CRU. Cupid pretended that Emily was his wife Psyche, as the CRU didn't recognize her due to her change of body. Earl, however, saw through the act, and realized that it was Emily. After a short while, they broke out of their cell, but when they tried to leave through the elevator, the Mutant Titans controlled it and brought them down to the level that they were on. The group was quickly subdued by Shadow Titans, and were brought to the Mutant Titans. The mutants told Emily how she had accidentally created them during the Titan War. They then made everyone there remember what had happened in the erased timeline of the war. One of the Mutant Titans then lifted Emily into their mouth, and just as she was about to be fully digested, she used her Solar Stream gem ring to open up a portal to Riza. Because of their position, however, Earl and Frankie weren't taken through the portal and were kept in a cage and used as hostages by the Mutant Titans.

Later, Joel, Paelen, Lorin, Chrysaor, Vulcan and some CRU agents were captured and taken down to the mutants' level. They were all going to be eaten by them, but Lorin made a deal with the mutants to let her friends go free if she sacrificed herself to them. They kept their word and let Lorin move her friends back into the room with the elevator, and then absorbed her. The CRU agents decided to work with the Olympians to get the last of the CRU's clones out from the facility, and the agents went up the elevator with the clones who couldn't fly. The remaining people then flew below the elevator and helped push it up, with Earl being carried by a Cupid clone. They made it to the surface, but had to leave Vulcan behind, however, he came back to them a few minutes later, and they all flew through the Solar Stream to Xanadu.

When Emily came back from Rhean, Earl stayed outside, while some of the others went into the Temple of Arious to help her. When she woke up, she told Earl and everyone else about her plan to go to the Titans for help in defeating the Mutant Titans. Earl agreed with this plan, and stayed behind on Xanadu.

When Olympus was destroyed and the survivors relocated to Titus, Earl went there to help with the resettlement.


Earl used to have light short hair and a beard, but he got rid of his beard and dyed his hair black when he and Agent T were on the run from the CRU.


Earl is very kind, for after he almost died in the fire at the red apple, and because of Emily and her crew. But he is still always their for them when they need it. He has shown to be a great friend in all his days with them, he is very kind.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Immortality: Earl has consumed ambrosia and nectar, and is therefore immortal. It's unknown how far this extends, or how hard it is to kill him. He doesn't age.

